Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

  • Overstayed the 90 day rule?
  • In Trouble or need advice in Odessa?
  • Been the Victim Of a Crime? Theft, Violence?
  • Has a Ukrainian Lady Taken Advantage of Your Good Nature?
  • Lost Passports or Telephones Service

Residency, Immigration Problems & Passport services

Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

Our services – Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine.

Please find below a list of our specialist areas.

We are based in Odessa, but we also provide high quality legal services to clients in all major cities of Ukraine.

It can be difficult for foreigners in Ukraine, the difficult language, trust levels etc, etc.

If you are from abroad and need legal assistance, or representation, then you have found the right website!

Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine.

So contact us…

We have worked as Lawyers and Public Notary for more than 15 years. We are highly experienced in Ukraine Law and are completely client focussed.

No matter what your enquiry relates to please fell free to contact us and to discuss any matter that is on your mind.

From overstaying your 90 day tourist VISA, to setting up a multi-national import/export company in Ukraine, we have done it ALL before!

Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine.

Don’t worry we can help!

Get residency in Odessa – Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

Most people don’t realize that they are only allowed as a tourist to stay in Ukraine 90 days from every 180 days through the year.

This law stops a lot of people from staying as long as they actually need to, for example to buy property or to setup business.



We know the right people in the right places to make it fast and efficient!

Contact our team NOW!

Immigration & Passport services

Most people don’t realize that they are only allowed as a tourist to stay in Ukraine 90 days from every 180 days through the year.

This is still shrouded in mystery and the are many conflicting opinions that fly around unsubstantiated.

We have helped more than 100 clients with this issue.

Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine.

Contact us immediately if you are in this situation, or that time is approaching! +38 093 1444 868

Don’t worry, we have even had many OF THE DREADED 3 year bans overturned!

Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine  Immigration Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

Everything is available at a cost!

We also deal with:

Office addresses, work permits and VISA’s, marriage VISA’s and procedures, invitations, immigration and travel.

Lost / stolen passports, translation and notarizing of passports, address registration for individuals and for business, general Ukraine residency questions and advice.

There are 3 main ways to stay in Ukraine for more than 90 days.


100% of

“Overstayers” Returned to Ukraine OK

400+ Successful

Client Permanent Residencies

Professional English Speaking Lawyers in Odessa, Ukraine:
We are a team of professional English-speaking lawyers based in Odessa, Ukraine.

We are based in Odessa, but we also provide high quality legal services to clients in all major cities of Ukraine.

It can be difficult for foreigners in Ukraine, the difficult language, trust levels. Feel assured with a U.S. and U.K. lawyers working alongside the best Ukrainian Legal Specialists in Odessa!

If you are from abroad and need legal assistance, or representation, then you have found the right website!

Working since 1999:
We know all of the necessary people in the necessary Government Departments.

This helps you pass through the process 1st time, with minimal fuss or problems.

This means we are happily faster and lower cost than our competitors!

We also help companies with office setup and outsourcing.

Its important that when you create or write something that you can have this patented.

We have trademarked, copyrighted and patented over 940 seperate pieces of intellectual proprty.

Our team can complete the Natioanl & INternational Patent applications, fast, efficienltly and at a low cost!

Our expert intellectual property Lawyers and patent attorneys, provide help on intellectual property issues and disputes in court.

The debt collection lawyer has experience in collecting debts from citizens and businesses in the interests of creditors on contracts and on a court decision.

Our debt collection lawyers and specialists, have a great deal of experience in collecting debts or mediating if necessary to collect debts from the  interests of creditors on contracts or action based on a court decision.

Debt collection in Ukraine is a complex system of legal procedures and methods of legal influence on the debtor.

If necessary we can assist to confiscate assets, even put arrest on a property in court.


*DNA TESTS – $70


We can supply translators and interpreters at short notice!

From $10 p/h:

Real estate and business negotiations translations.

Russian interpreting or Ukrainian interpreting to English for meetings.

Document translation and face to face interpreters.

Legal and immigration assistance interpreters.

Personal assistants. Available for weekly or monthly charge.

Immigration Problems & Passport services - Legal Advice & English Speaking Lawyers, Odessa Ukraine
Service Type
Immigration Problems & Passport services - Legal Advice & English Speaking Lawyers, Odessa Ukraine
Provider Name
Lawyers in Odessa,
6 Porkrovsk Piriolac,Odessa-65000,
Telephone No.+380931444868
Odessa, Ukraine
Most people don't realize that they are only allowed as a tourist to stay in Ukraine 90 days from every 180 days through the year. This is still shrouded in mystery and the are many conflicting opinions that fly around unsubstantiated. We have helped more than 100 clients with this issue. Contact us immediately if you are in this situation, or that time is approaching! +38 093 1444 868 Don't worry, we have even had many OF THE DREADED 3 year bans overturned!
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