Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine & Notary services Odessa Ukraine

Translation services & Interpreters, Odessa Ukraine

  • We Translate, Notarize, Legalize and process documents, FAST
  • U.S. Documents NOTARIZED HERE!
  • Legal, Economic, Technical, Medicinal, IT, Website & Literary Translation Services
  • Low Cost Interpreters & Assistants
  • Legal Advice on Inheritance

Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine & NOTARY SERVICES, ODESSA

Our services – Lawyers in Odessa Ukraine. 

Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

Please find below a list of our specialist areas.

We are based in Odessa, but we also provide high quality legal services to clients in all major cities of Ukraine.

It can be difficult for foreigners in Ukraine, the difficult language, trust levels etc, etc.

If you are from abroad and need legal assistance, or representation, then you have found the right website!

We can NOTARIZE U.S. Documents, contact us for further details…

Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine – So contact us…

We have worked as Lawyers and Public Notary for more than 15 years. We are highly experienced in Ukraine Law and are completely client focussed.

No matter what your enquiry relates to please fell free to contact us and to discuss any matter that is on your mind.

From overstaying your 90 day tourist VISA, to setting up a multi-national import/export company in Ukraine, we have done it ALL before!

Don’t worry we can help!

Notary Services

Our sister company has been a notary public and governmental since 1999.

We translate and notarize important documents to assist us and you through the legal process!

From simple document translation to Power of Attorney, our notary will do things fast and efficiently.

Preparing and witnessing power of attorney for use locally or overseas.

Certification of documents. We can verify your signature, identity or other important requests.


Translation of passports, documents required for business setup, marriage and even land purchase!

Legalizing and Apostatizing documents.

Document verification services.

Dealing with purchase or sale of land and property abroad.

Notarizing what is necessary to deal with the estates of people who are abroad, or own property abroad.

Immigration or emigration documents authentication to apply to marry or to work in Ukraine or other countries.

Authentication of company or business documents and transactions.

Other services:

We can organize authentication and keep securely stored papers for almost any sort of transaction or event.

All of our team are fluent in English, French, German, native Ukrainian and Russian.

We provide a Fast, modern, direct approach , cutting through the red tape and getting you the results that you need!

We provide Ukrainian and foreign individuals with legal services in the field of inheritance law.

We also help to write, notarize and store “last will and testament” documents.

Translation services & Interpreters, Odessa Ukraine

Our translation team deal with documents and can also act as personal assistants for you or your company.

The main role is to translate Ukrainian and Russian to your language or English.

Whether it is at a meeting, out in the field, or perhaps at the location of real estate you are looking to buy.

Having an interpreter with you, shows you mean business and will automatically show the other party that you are serious about your request and have the backup to follow it through.

This will also help to avoid being over-charged. Some people see foreigners as a cash prize and can often double or more the price of something. Your assistant will pickup on this and let you know it is well above market price and it looks like they are potentially trying to scam you.


  • Translate any document to  almost any language.
  • Use a personal assistant who speaks the legal language.
  • Save money by our assistants telling our clients the real cost, not some inflated foreigners cost.
  • Project work – e.g. Assist you to get your registration address, setup with the water company, gain residency.

We will assist with division of residential and commercial real estate, vehicles, business, bank accounts and possessions.

Inheritance Law, ODESSA UKRAINE

The inheritance claim is registered at the residence of the deceased. 6 months from the date of death is the longest term of initiating inheritance.

The claim should be started at our private notary. If the heir miss the deadline, then you must turn to a lawyer by inheritance in order to restore the term by means of the court.

Services of Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

We will assist with division of residential and commercial real estate, vehicles, business, bank accounts and possessions..


We also provide all services of a notary, translation and notary services of documents and an even provide interpreter services when necessary.

More than 12,000

Documents Notarized

750+ Passports

Translated, Ukrainian, Russian & Chinese

Its important that when you create or write something that you can have this patented.

We have trademarked, copyrighted and patented over 940 seperate pieces of intellectual proprty.

Our team can complete the Natioanl & INternational Patent applications, fast, efficienltly and at a low cost!

Our expert intellectual property Lawyers and patent attorneys, provide help on intellectual property issues and disputes in court.

The debt collection lawyer has experience in collecting debts from citizens and businesses in the interests of creditors on contracts and on a court decision.

Our debt collection lawyers and specialists, have a great deal of experience in collecting debts or mediating if necessary to collect debts from the  interests of creditors on contracts or action based on a court decision.

Debt collection in Ukraine is a complex system of legal procedures and methods of legal influence on the debtor.

If necessary we can assist to confiscate assets, even put arrest on a property in court.

The best family lawyers in Odessa, will deal with your case.

We can help arrange marriages, get married in 48 hours.

Our DNA paternal establishment team, can have a DNA test and 100% reliable confirmation of the child being the same DNA as the father. These documents are accepted by our colleagues in the court.

Our specialist also understand the difficult family laws and emotional upsets that can be caused by divorce. We can represent you in court and deal with the whole matter from start to finish.

Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine.

We also deal with division of property and finances and alimony.

No two cases are the same and we will work closely with you to achieve your objectives.

We are specialists in Criminal Law.

From car vandalism, to helping clients who have ended up in jail.

The most surprising things can come up in a foreign land. Rest assured, no matter what has happened, we will work for you and sort out the situation fast.

We operate 24 hours, and have emergency contact available.

Many small offences can be settled with a discretionary fine payment.

We know the right people in the right places!

We can assist in court if necessary.

Most people don’t realize that they are only allowed as a tourist to stay in Ukraine 90 days from every 180 days through the year.

This is still shrouded in mystery and the are many conflicting opinions that fly around unsubstantiated.

We have helped more than 100 clients with this issue.

Contact us immediately if you are in this situation, or that time is approaching! +38 093 1444 868

Don’t worry, we have even had many OF THE DREADED 3 year bans overturned!

Everything is available at a cost!

Inheritance Lawyer Odessa Ukraine

We also deal with:

Office addresses, work permits and VISAs, marriage VISA’s and procedures, invitations, immigration and travel.

There are 3 main ways to stay in Ukraine for more than 90 days.


Notary services and inheritance law - Legal Advice & English Speaking Lawyers, Odessa Ukraine
Service Type
Notary services and inheritance law - Legal Advice & English Speaking Lawyers, Odessa Ukraine
Provider Name
Lawyers in Odessa,
6 Porkrovsk Piriolac,Odessa-65000,
Telephone No.+380931444868
Odessa, Ukraine
Our sister company has been a notary public and governmental since 1999. We translate and notarize important documents to assist us and you through the legal process! From simple document translation to Power of Attorney, our notary will do things fast and efficiently.
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